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Semester Statistics

A project meant to keep an updated record of all scores achieved.

This was started off as a Project to maintain all existing Scores recieved from VTU.

This is a Flexible Data Project that does not require Special Functions as dictated by any college.

Please note that there will be many Changes That can happen Before.

Table of Contents

React Front End

Hosting at


Currently, 3 full 200 Lists of Students Take up ~10seconds on a fully cold Start.

Further Performance is to be tested.

Additional Notes:

Additional Things Needed to be implemented.

  • Configuration File.
  • Docx Formatter.
  • PDF Formatter.
  • Flexible API Syntax.
  • Proper Structure.
  • Documentation. <- Mostly for future Maintence.

Naming Conventions Followed:

  • CapitalCase for variables
  • camelCase for functions
  • CapitalCase for class


USNs that change. Diploma? Arrears -- Designed, Data? Inconsistent. Missing Data?

-> Data: If USN + Code In new? OldTable <= Previous

Else Insert.

Alternative Solutions to python docx

-- Using Mail Merge.