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Note that Per-Scheme-Wise-Plguin (Is detailed in External Calculations is used to allow for differences in changes over the Years By VTU for final Output.

Must be Specified On the filename.

Scheme = Given. This must always be specified since the scheme can vary Even in the same Batch.

Semester = Given. While the Application can determine Which Semester for Storage, this is enforced due to Naming Constraints.

Batch = Given. Specified Within the filename.

Calculations Done To Be Placed into the Database.

  • Year = Batch Year + Floor(Semester/2)
  • OddEven = Semester%2 (If Even, then 0, if Odd, then 1)
  • DepartmentCode = Taken From Subject (17CS12)
  • DepartmentName = Hard Coded

External Caclulations

This Section Maintains the Various Calculations Needed for Other Statistics.

Scheme - 18

To be added

Scheme - 17

FCD = 70% or Greater. FC = 60% to 70% SC = 45% to 60%

Pass Criteria => Total Must be 45+ AND External must be 21

Scheme - 15

To be added