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Database structure

Department Details

Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
DepartmentCode Code for the Department VARCHAR(2) PK No
DepartmentName The Name of the Department TEXT - No

Student Details

Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
SerialNumber University Serial Number VARCHAR(10) PK Yes
Name Name of the Student TEXT - No
Batch The Batch They Belong to in YYYY Format INTEGER(4) - No
Department The Code of the Department VARCHAR(2) FK -> Department No


Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
Batch Batch Detail YYYY INT PK, CK No
Scheme Scheme Number YYYY INT - No

Subject Details

Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
SubjectCode Code of the Subject in Official VTU VARCHAR(7) PK Yes
SubjectName Name of the Subject TEXT - No
SubjectSemester Semester the Subject Appears in INTEGER - No
SubjectDepartment Department that the subject Belings to VARCHAR(2) FK -> Department No

Subject Score

Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
SerialNumber USN of the Student VARCHAR(10) PK, FK -> Student Details Yes
SubjectCode Subject Code. VARCHAR(7) Pk, FK -> Subject Details Yes
Year Year the Subject was Written In INTEGER - No
Year Odd/Even BOOL - No
Internals Internal Marks INTEGER - No
Externals External Marks INTEGER - No

HistoricalSubject Score

Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
SerialNumber USN of the Student VARCHAR(10) FK -> Student Details No
SubjectCode Subject Code VARCHAR(7) FK -> Subject Details No
Year Year the Subject was Written In INTEGER - No
Year Odd/Even BOOL - No
Internals Internal Marks INTEGER - No
Externals External Marks INTEGER - No


Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
TeacherId An ID for the given teacher INT PK No
TeacherName The Name of the Given teacher TEXT - No


Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
TeacherId an ID for the given teacher. INT FK -> TeacherDetails Yes
Batch YYYY Batch INT PK,FK -> BatchDetails No
Subject Code YYYY Batch VARCHAR(7) -- No


Property Description Type PK/FK? Indexed
Department The Department Code VARCHAR(3) FK -> DepartmentDetails No
Batch The Batch Parsed INT FK -> BatchSchemeDetails No
Semester The Semester Parsed INT - No
Arrear If Reval Result Bool - No