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Batch Endpoint


{batch} reffers to the INTEGER representing a particular batch of students. For example, Batch 2017 would be the people who are admitted from the year 2017 and onward.

Notes to Keep Track of

Note: All of the Path Parameters are REQUIRED

Note: ALL Of the Query Parameters are Optional.

Batch Get Students

  • Endpoint: GET ​/batch​/
  • Function: Get all of the Batches Available.

Example Request:


Example Response:

[2015, 2016, 2017, 2018]

Batch Get Scores

  • Endpoint: GET /batch​/{batch}​/scores
  • Function: Get the Scores of All of the Students in a batch.

  • Query Params:

Param Description
dept 2 Digit Deparment Code
sem Integer: Semester
  • Error Codes:
Code Desc
404 Batch Not Found

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "Usn": "1CR16CS001",
    "Name": "Roy Harris",
    "Batch": 2016,
    "Department": "CS",
    "Scores": [
      { "SubjectCode": "15CS71", "Internals": 40, "Externals": 60 },
      { "SubjectCode": "15CS72", "Internals": 40, "Externals": 60 }

Batch Get Detained

  • Endpoint: GET /batch​/{batch}​/detained
  • Function: Get the Detained Students and their Scores.

  • Query Params:

Param Description
dept 2 Digit Deparment Code
thresh Threshold for Detained, Defaults to 4
  • Error Codes:
Code Desc
404 Batch Not Found

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "Usn": "1CR16CS001",
    "Name": "Roy Harris",
    "Batch": 2016,
    "Department": "CS",
    "Scores": [{ "SubjectCode": "15CS71", "Internals": 1, "Externals": 2 }]

Batch Get Backlogs

  • Endpoint: GET /batch​/{batch}​/backlogs
  • Function: Get the Backlog Scores.

  • Query Params:

Param Description
dept 2 Digit Deparment Code
sem Integer: Semester
  • Error Codes:
Code Desc
404 Batch Not Found

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "Usn": "1CR16CS001",
    "Name": "Roy Harris",
    "Batch": 2016,
    "Department": "CS",
    "Scores": [{ "SubjectCode": "15CS71", "Internals": 1, "Externals": 2 }]

Batch Get Aggregate

  • Endpoint: GET /batch​/{batch}​/aggregate
  • Function: Get the total of all scores for a batch.
  • Query Params:
Param Description
dept 2 Digit Deparment Code

Example Request:


Example Response:

    ["USN1", 800],
    ["USN2", 450],
    ["USN3", 600],
  • Endpoint: POST /batch​/{batch}​/search


Deprecated. DO NOT USE.