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Subject Endpoint


{subject} reffers to the STRING representing a particular subject. For example, 15CS551

Notes to Keep Track of

Note: All of the Path Parameters are REQUIRED

Note: ALL Of the Query Parameters are Optional.

General Error Codes

Code Desc
404 Subject Not Found

Subject Get

  • Endpoint: GET ​/subject​/{subcode}
  • Function:
  • Query Params: None

Example Request:


Example Response:

  "Code": "15CS551",
  "Name": "Some Subject",
  "Semester": 5,
  "Scheme": 2015,
  "Department": "CS"

Subject Update

  • Endpoint: PUT ​/subject​/{subcode}
  • Function: Update a Subject Record in the Database.

No Documentation Available.

Subject Insert


Do Not Use Yet.

  • Endpoint: POST ​/subject​/
  • Function: Add a Subject into the Database.

No Documentation Available.